My father was fond of pointing out the fact that me and my sister were raised by Wolves. regardless of our social or economic situation in life, you can’t get away from His analogy.
And I guess that I’ve passed that attitude on to my children. I used to tell them often, when I’d drop them off at school that they were Wolfs, and remember no biting, unless you have to, then go for the throat. They’d laugh, but I’m sure that the message was received.
Another piece of advice, that was imparted from my father was, If you have to fart, Blame it on the fat kid. Stand next to them, and when you pass gas, say OOOU! and point at him, while walking off and holding your nose. Chances are that they’ll take the blame anyway. Good advise, you should write that down! Unless your the fat kid, in which case. let me apologize now, and I guess I’ll see you in court.
My father could easily out cuss the most hardened sailor! I promise you - he could make a pimp blush. And I’m afraid that, that particular Wolf family tradition continues, although I raised 3 daughters, at least 2 of them can hold their own, linguistically with those who are nautically inclined.
Another Wolf-ism that’s been passed along is, “You may not have been raised in a barn, but that’s no reason not to be comfortable in one.”
I miss Pop. If someone had told me years ago that he’d be gone by now, I wouldn’t have even been able to envision a life without him. I have few regrets, I just thought we’d have more time. I hope that we spent our time together well, I think that we did. I hope we did.
He had another saying, and I’m not sure where he got it but, I’ve always been fond of it, “Celebrate your victories, no one else will, and forget your failures as soon as you can, they’ll only bring you down.
The Jewish people have a saying “Forgive, but remember-you may get a second bite at the apple.”
I don’t know if that refers to the biblical apple or not but it ‘s a good philosophy. I’ve also heard it said “Forgive, but remember when appropriate” either way, it’s worth putting in your arsenal.
And I guess that I’ve passed that attitude on to my children. I used to tell them often, when I’d drop them off at school that they were Wolfs, and remember no biting, unless you have to, then go for the throat. They’d laugh, but I’m sure that the message was received.
Another piece of advice, that was imparted from my father was, If you have to fart, Blame it on the fat kid. Stand next to them, and when you pass gas, say OOOU! and point at him, while walking off and holding your nose. Chances are that they’ll take the blame anyway. Good advise, you should write that down! Unless your the fat kid, in which case. let me apologize now, and I guess I’ll see you in court.
My father could easily out cuss the most hardened sailor! I promise you - he could make a pimp blush. And I’m afraid that, that particular Wolf family tradition continues, although I raised 3 daughters, at least 2 of them can hold their own, linguistically with those who are nautically inclined.
Another Wolf-ism that’s been passed along is, “You may not have been raised in a barn, but that’s no reason not to be comfortable in one.”
I miss Pop. If someone had told me years ago that he’d be gone by now, I wouldn’t have even been able to envision a life without him. I have few regrets, I just thought we’d have more time. I hope that we spent our time together well, I think that we did. I hope we did.
He had another saying, and I’m not sure where he got it but, I’ve always been fond of it, “Celebrate your victories, no one else will, and forget your failures as soon as you can, they’ll only bring you down.
The Jewish people have a saying “Forgive, but remember-you may get a second bite at the apple.”
I don’t know if that refers to the biblical apple or not but it ‘s a good philosophy. I’ve also heard it said “Forgive, but remember when appropriate” either way, it’s worth putting in your arsenal.
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