Since the post "Writing" people have been all over me about writing and publishing, why do I do it? how is it done? do I make any money at it?
It really does amaze me, the number of people that I speak to, that think that they can actually write or publish - anything. When they have never written anything more than even an essay in high school.
I’m not saying that they can’t do it. I’m saying that they will never do it,
They will never write anything in their lives much more than an email or text.
I try and encourage everyone to write, anything! Because the sad truth is that in less than two generations their descendants will know absolutely nothing about them, but maybe a couple of embarrassing stories, if even that!
I understand that very few people can organize their thoughts enough to put together a couple sentences. And of those poor folks, the ones that actually have the ability, fewer of them have the drive, or think that they have something to contribute.
It’s a very small number of people.
So let me make it as clear as I possibly can! Everyone is curious about their grand, or great grand-parents lives. Even the boring, mundane bull that made up their long, hard, days.
It’s the old question of “who are you and where did you come from?” when it could be as simple as going to the bookshelves and pulling down Grandpa's story.
But guess what? You are that Grandparent in two generations, and you were a lazy jerk, who didn’t care enough, to tell your progeny, what a slug you actually were.
But you should know, that not every story is worth listening to, which brings me to a counter point.
Don’t believe everything that you read. Not all stories are true.
Just because grandpa was literate, doesn’t mean that he told you the truth about his life. He may have embellished just a bit,
He may have neglected to write down the fact, that he was a serial killer, arsonist, pedophile, cannibal - But don’t judge him too harshly, it may have just been a “slight” oversight.
John Wayne Gasey
John Wane Gasey, was a serial killer, pedophile, cannibal, and he wrote children's books, and painted clowns, so just understand that you may not always be getting the whole story.
But any story is better than guessing about who someone was.
On a completely separate note - and please don’t mistake what I’m about to write as a character flaw of mine. But, I have two completely separate views on the on the subject of “serial killer, pedophile, cannibal, arsonists“. And I do know, that they are polar opposites, so sue me.
Serial Killers, arsonist, cannibal, pedophiles, must be kept alive, happy, healthy, and talking - everything they say after their caught MUST be recorded, studied and analyzed completely in perpetuity.
Now for the retort, I believe in retribution and vengeance in this life. You wrong me and you can expect it in return. An eye for an eye, works for me.
Like I said, so, sue me!
And if you don't like what I wrote, then I'll read your article,
when you write it!
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