Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mayday, Mayday, man down!!!!! but leave a message, and we'll call you back!

Ever had one of those days where everything goes wrong? I'm not talking about regular old everyday wrong, I'm talking about "train wreck" wrong. 9-1-1 wrong!  I'm having one of those days, Everything went wrong with a Doctors appointment, then I found out that my voice-mail had a message from last Friday that it just offered up today, Tuesday,  so I frantically tried to get ahold of the person, just to find out that she won't be in the office today! Great, it was just really important, but I guess a 6th day won't matter very much!!!!!!!! Then my phone decided that it didn't want to connect to the network, so I missed a different, very important phone call, (again)!!!! But I did get the voicemail!!!! I just can't call them back because I don't have any bars, no firgging network again!!!!!!!!!! but at least I get to change the flat on my pickup, with no tools, and a flat spare!  Some may be skeptical about all of this happening to the same person, on the same day? But wait, it gets waaaay better! I find out that my electric bill that I've been waiting till the last minute to pay was due yesterday! so now I'm going to get hit with the entire amount that I owe then, because I had a payment arrangement with them and now the entire amount is due! about a grand! Great and DO I HAVE IT, of course not! It's only 2-o'clock in the afternoon! and I just want to hide under the barn! What a crappy day! I just wish there was a reset button I could hit.
There's a prayer that is used by the 12 steppers, AA and the substance abuse people, that my father had carved in a huge piece of  flat onyx, it sat on his desk and now it sits on mine, the prayer is actually a prayer by a priest named Reinhold Niebuhr, and adapted for the abuse people.
My father had a this saying, I guess it's another Wolf-ism, "it's carved in stone" which meant that it was an absolute truth, I'm looking at that stone now! His stone! and Nievuhr's prayer carved into it. And it gives me some hope, both that this crappy day is going to end, and that Pop was right, it is an absolute truth.
Father, grant to us the serenity of mind to accept that which cannot be changed; courage to change that which can be changed, and wisdom to know the one from the other, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
And tomorrow IS another day, a different day, where I will set about to correct the mistakes and missteps of today, which is most of them, I hope. 

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